Los Angeles-based hotel developer Bob Sonnenblick, Chairman of Sonnenblick Development LLC has been chosen to speak at the upcoming CHICOS (Caribbean) Hotel conference at The Hard Rock Hotel in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic on November 14th, 2014. The panel topic will be “Hotel Capital in The Caribbean”.

chicos-2014 Bob Sonnenblick, chairman of Sonnenblick Development LLC has been chosen to speak

11:15 A.M. TO 12:15 P.M. – GENERAL SESSION: CAPITAL AND THE NEW NORMAL: Panel of capital providers and advisers discuss investments in the Caribbean and what it takes to get a deal done. Who is financing projects in the Caribbean and on what basis? While it appears that confidence in the region
amongst financiers is improving this does not appear to be translating into readily available capital. Funding has been scarce for so long that it appears as if the landscape may have changed permanently. Does this environment represent the “new normal”? If so what does the new normal look like? How are
deals currently being structured? What are the key terms and conditions? Who are we dealing with and how sustainable are their interest in the region? The ability to raise capital is going to be absolutely critical if, as appears to be the case, the region is over the worst of the economic cr isis and we can start
to look forward to the future with cautious optimism. Help us resolve this crucial issue by participating in an interactive discussion with our panel of innovative and imaginative financiers bringing a fresh approach to a difficult and complex problem.
Moderator: Gary Brough, Managing Director- KPMG
Nicholas Hecker, Senior Principal – Och Ziff Real Estate
Bill Sipple, Executive Managing Director – HVS Capital Corp
Bob Sonnenblick, Principal-Sonnenblick Development LLC
Adam Rosenberg, Global Head of Gaming & Leisure- Fortress Investment Group-Credit Funds